Meet the Girls!
Tangy! A no nonsence go get em take charge kind of gal! Discarded in a yard sell dump bin, not even given enough respect to be sold individually Tangy was purchased by Christy for 3.00 along with 15 other dolls in a laundry basket. When Christy discovered her dirty and disgruntled at the bottom of the basket she instantly took a shining to her. Tangy has grudgeingly accepted her new mom but still carries some deep wounds from being so blaitently tossed aside by her former owner. As a result she has developed a really, well lets just say attitude. She works in a tatto parlor as a body piercer and plays lead guitar in an all girl band called the grundge girls. She loves sports of all kinds but especially rock climbing, roller blading and skate boarding. She has a very close knit net work of friends, who you'll meet shortly. And even though she seems tough and punk on the outside she is really a great girl and wonderful friend and sister.And no matter what she always has her girls backs and more then anything she fears letting other people down. But don't tell her I said that ; )

Cayenne is Tangy's oldest little sister. Only 3 years younger then Tangy Cayenne is sure there is no one cooler in the whole world then her big sis. She is sweet and mild and very sinsitive but wants to be just like Tangy! As a result of her meek nature and her clingy nature the two girls constantly butt heads. Cayenne loves pink! She listens to soft rock and just got her ears pearced for the first time. She has a great eye for fashion most of the time and she has a pet pug name pudge. She is deffinatley mommys baby!

Tori was purchased with Tangy from the dump bin but never took it so hard. She is very laid back nature girl. A great listner but she can tie up a phone line too! Tori lives with Tangys family but kind of keeps her distance. Tori plays the keyboard in the band with Tangy and she works at a new age aroma theropy salon. She is big into astrology and terrot cards and she doesn't make a life dission with out consulting her ruin stones first.

Pepper is Tangy's youngest sister, but she does her best to look as grown up as possible. Pepper is an authority on everything and you will never catch this girl without her cell phone and day planner. If it is in fashion it's on Pepper. She is a constant on the go girl and the only time she is resting is when she is sleeping or eating. She also isn't a natural blonde he he he and her favorite color is purple!

Trixie is totally stuck in the mod era. By choice of course but none the less this girl is total retro. She is a hair dresser at an ultra chick salon and specializes in hair weaves. She is rather quite but a blast to be around. She is extremly sweet and seems to know exactly what Tangy and Tori are thinking a split second before they say anything. Trixie loves to read fashion magazines and to watch old movies. Her favorite of wich is Thourghly Modern millie. She is over at our house so often she might as well live here too! But that's ok cause she always helps with the cooking and she sets the table and she even colors my hair for me from time to time.

Kimber is the total surfer girl of any California boys dream. She is a native Hawaian and loves nothing more than the sand and the surf. She met Tangy while playing volleyball on the beach and the two have been best buds ever since. Kimber talks so fast you I often can't follow what she is saying. LOL! And when she angry she starts speaking Hawaian and no one can understand. Besides surfing and volley ball kimber also has a job as a hula instructor, not for turists but for the children in her village who want to learn about their herritage. For her last birthday the girls through her a lewal (spelling?)
Kimbers boyfriends name is Rio.

Rio is your basic surfer dude. To much time in the sun has deffintley left him a few fries short of a happy meal! But he is a lot of fun to hang out with and he is crazy about Kimber. He owns a little kiosk on the beach that rents surf boards, boggie boards and skies. He also says dude almost every other word and wears shorts year round!

coby is a total mans man! He loves sports, women and cars. He thinks he is pretty hot stuff and can be really cocky! But he really likes Tangy. They aren't a couple but they hold hands and go out every now and then. But he is just to sauve for her. Coby's parents are loaded so he doesn't work yet. But he is attending collage to be a lawyer.
