Ping: Man I saw this pink tent driving up and I just Knew I would get stuck in it. I know I asked this already, but why exactly do we have a pink tent?
Rio: Dude, quit whinning. It's really more blue then pink. We were short on tents and had to borrow this one from Cayenne.
Ben: I suppose you could sleep outside if you would rather.
Ping: No, no, no, that's quite alright. I'll keep the pink tent. But I'm not promising I won't dye it a different color tomorrow.

Clone Man: Hey anyone want to shoot some hoops?
Dixon: Yeah I do! But um, what are we going to use for the "hoops"
Andy: Yeah, I mean B-Balls don't bounce real good in all this grass.
Clone Man: Hmmmm good point. Well maybe we can find a flat surface later.
Coby: That's a good idea! Tomorrow we have some hiking and exploring to do. We'll all keep our eyes peeled to see if we can't find somewhere.
Jamal: Hey in the mean time I think Ben brought some conasta cards with him we could play a few hands of cards after we are all settled in.
Shaggy: That sounds like fun! I'm in!
Dixon: Yeah me to. If we play partners I have dibs on Marcus!

Thor: It really is nice here. Communing with nature and just enjoying the quite and the piece. And the weather is so nice, but I can't help but feel like we're being watched. Like someone is watching us. It's kind of an erie, unsetteling feeling. Does anyone else feel it?

Shaggy: You know, I Kind of feel it too. It's sort of unsetteling and.... Man oh man am I hungrey. Wait, focus Shaggy. That weird feeling, I hope it's not another stampede of women again, although this time I don't hear anything, I can just feel it, like someone is watching our every move. If there were Paintings around here I'd look for fake eyes or a hidden room, but this is erie. And silent. Like we're being hunted.

Thor: It's really strong now. Like it's breathing down my Kneck.
Rex: Um excuse me sir.
Thor: Not now I'm being dramatic.
Rex: Um sir...
Thor: It's like peril, or eminate danger is upon us.
Rex: really sir I'm lost...
Thor: I said not right now.

Chomps: Hey Buddy! Can you give us a hand?
Marcus: But, but, but.... Your a, a, a.... DINOSAUR!!!!!!!!!!
Chomps: Yeah and your a doll! Can you help us or not?

Ping: What's Marcus yelling about over there?
Rio: Dude, I don't know. Sounds like he said something about Dinosaurs?
Rex: Excuse me sir, could you help me please? I'm a little lost and I got seperated from my hiking group.
Rio: Sure little dude!

Rio: Ok what you want to do is...... YOU"R A.... A ..... A....
Rex: Yes, yes, I'm a Dinosaur and your a doll, I think we covered this already. But can you help me find my group?
Rio: There's a GROUP of Dinosaurs here?
Rex: Yes. There's all kinds of Campers here at the park.
Rio: PARK???? It's not Jurassic Park is it?
Rex: Don't be Daft man! It's a national Park. Geesh. From over there I thought you were a ken, but clearly you are a barbie!!!!

Coby: Don't move a muscle Jamal! Then he can't see us.
Jamal: Um I think that's T rex's. Isn't he a raptor thingy?
Slash: Hi guys! I like your tents. hey want to hear a funny joke.
Coby: Jamal, if we don't get out of this alive, Tell Tangy I love her.
Slash: You mean you big old Kens are scared of me? I'm only 5! tee hee hee.
Hey Guys! These Kens are actually scared of us!

Stretch: Yeah you guys shouldn't be scared of us. We're all vegetarians. Hey is that cabbage???? I love cabbage!
Shaggy: Sure help yourself little dude!
Stretch: Wow thanks! We're on a retreat too. It's called "Your supper is a person too" It's a support group for reformed meat eaters like Rex and Chomps there. to help them stay the good course of a vegetarian!
Shaggy: That's groovey! We're here for Hiz Camp! It's a special camp for mail dolls who aren't your average Kens. You know I've never even met a dinosaur before!
Stretch: Really? My Dad says dinosaurs and Kens just go together kind of like dolls and bears!

Chomps: Man all this sweaty flesh is making me hungrey. Maybe we should head on to the rangers station.
Creeps: Good idea! Everyone stay in line this time!
Stretch: Nice to meet you Shaggy, and Kens!
Rex: Atten... Hut! A left, A left, A left right left! I use to be a dinosaur and eat a lot of meat! But now instead of Ribs and steak I'd rather have a beat! You've all heared an apple a day and are familiar with that addage, but since we all joined this group we'd rather eat a cabbage! A left, left left right left.

Shaggy: Man they are never gonna believe this back home!

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