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Andy: Hi ladies!
Girls: Hi.
Ping: Aren't you guys suppose to be getting makeovers or something?
Coby: Yeah I thought you guys were going off with that desinger.
Tori: Yeah well you guys wont believe what happened!
Rio: What?
Tori: Ok so we were getting ready to start painting Tangy's bedroom right.
And that stupid desinger wanted to paint the room PINK!!!
Coby: Oh no! Tangy would freak!
Rio: Yeah Pink is ok for her hair but on her walls and Dude would she freak out!

Cayenne: Exactly!
Tori: So you know Kimber, she steps right in and starts arguing with the desinger. Ya know telling her that Tangy hates pink and all.
Cayenne: Well the desinger keeps saying "she can't hate it that much if she dyed her hair pink."
Coby: Ok.
Tori: Anyways so the desinger tells Kimber she doesn't care what she says and that she's gonna paint it pink weather or not Kimber wants her too or not.
Cayenne: Right so Kimber had anough and she grabs the paint roller from the desinger right. And some of the paint splatters on the desinger.
Andy: Go on.

Trixie: Right so some of the paint splatters on the desingers clothes and shoes.
Well she gets this look on her face. I mean her eyes were buggin out at first and then they got all narrow and squinty and she balls up her little pasty manacured fist, and that cow COLD COCKED KIMBER!
Tori: Pow with a right hook!
Guys in unison: NO WAY!
Tori: Yes way. So we're all standing there a bit in shock just holding are paint brushes when all of a sudden we see this fyling green streak go zinging through the air.
Andy: What was it?
Trixie: It was Peppers Cell phone! Girl totally knocked the tar outta that desinger. She threw the thing so hard it broke!
Ping: Way to go Pepper!
Tori: So then we are all just dying laughing, well except for the desinger and she of course quite.
Trixie: Just think, we been trying to get that girl off that phone for months and all it took was a good ol' fashioned cat fight!
Everyone: ha ha ha ha ha

Rio: Well is my Kimmy bear ok?
Tori: Yeah, she's got a pretty ugly bruise on her face but I put some whitch hazel on it so it should get better.
Trixie: Yeah and she probably needs some lovein. But will leave that to you.
Cayenne: Hey here they come now!

Rio: Hey are you all right?
Kimber: Oh yeah. I've gotten worse bruises surfing.
Rio: Yeah well that snotty desinger had no bussiness hitting you. She better be glad I wasn't there.
Kimber: Yeah but Pepper did pretty good on her own.
Rio: Ha ha ha Yeah I guess so.

Rio: Well thanks Pepper. I appriciate you sticking up for Kimber.
Pepper: Ahhh, don't mention it. I mean there was no way I was gonna let some snooty hollywood desinger whomp up on my friend!
Kimber: yeah I'm just glad she got off that phone finally!
Pepper: Yeah I guess I gave a new meaning to Reach out and touch someone!
ha ha ha ha ha
