When we last left Tangy and the girls a major fight had errupted about what Tangy was gonna be able to take to camp. So lets just check in on them and see what new things have developed.
Pepper enters the family room where Cayenne is watching a video with pudge.
Pepper: Hey sis, you ok?
Cayenne: I guess. Why did Tangy tell you to come shut me up?
Pepper: No I was just worried. I thought she was a little hard on you.
Cayenne: Well, ok besides I already told mom.
Pepper: Yeah, I figured you did. ha ha ha.

Pepper: Can I come in? I brought popcorn!
Cayenne: yeah I guess so. I was gonna watch the new James Bond movie to cheer me up. Pierce Brosnon is so Dreamy.
Pepper: Sounds like a plan!

Pepper: I know you don't really want to talk about this but I think we should.
Cayenne: Oh brother.
Pepper: No seriously. I know you think Tangy is hard on you but you can't really blame her sometimes.
Cayenne: Yeah I know.
Pepper: I mean you do kind of get in her business sometimes.
Cayenne: I know.
Pepper: And you argue with her alot.
Cayenne: I know.
Pepper: And you try to be and do everything just like her.
Cayenne: I know.
Pepper: And.....
Cayenne: I know I know I KNOW! Ok I get the idea sis. Geesh.

Cayenne: The only reason I do those things is cause Tangy is so cool. I mean she has the coolest clothes, the coolest friends, the cutest boyfriends, and the greatest job! I mean is that so terrible? I wanna be like her. Isn't that what big sisters are for?
Pepper: Yeah, yeah I guess that's right. I know a big sis I'd like to be like too.
Cayeene: Who?
Pepper: You sis. I think your pretty great yourself.

Cayenne: Ok enough of this mushy stuff! Lets watch some mind blowing T.V.
Pepper: Woo Hoo!!

Meanwhile in the other room.
Tangy: Hi guys!
Rio: Hey Tangy!
Trixie, and Tori: Hi!
Coby: Hey hot stuff!
Kimber: Aloha Chica!
Tangy: You guys are here just in time to help me finish up packing.
Trixie: I thought you were doing that last night.
Tangy: I was till Cayenne got me in trouble.

Kimber: Really you got in trouble!
Tangy: Yes!
Trixie: What did your mom say?
Tangy: She made me un pack my suitcases and show her everything I was gonna take.
Tori: Geesh that sucks!
Tangy: Tell me about it. And to top it all off she said No leather...
Coby and Rio in unison: Bummer!
Tangy: She also said That I shouldn't be so mean to Cayenne, and as punishment I had to wash both the dogs!
Tori: Ewwwwww! you had to wash Pudge?
Tangy: Yes! And he smelled like wet fritos!
Everyone: YUCK!
Tangy: And then I had to spend hours brushing cinnamons coat. But at least she smells good!
Trixie: So do you still get to go to camp?

Will Tangy and Cayenne make up before Tangy leaves for camp? Will Tangy sneak her beloved leather into the suitcase? Will mom find out and ground her? And will Cinnamon and pudge ever find true love. All this answered and more in the next excitting episode of Tangy adventures....
To be continued.

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