When we last left Tangy and the gang she had just left for camp! Lets see what's going on the day after!
Cayenne: It sure is boring around here today!
Pepper talking on her cell phone: He did! Are you serious! Shut up!
Kimber: Yeah no kidding! So how did it go when she left?
Trixie: Yeah I mean was she ok?
Tori: No, She totally broke down and started crying!

Trixie: No way! She cried!
Kimber: Your kidding! I didn't know she could do that!
Cayenne: Oh she totally balled! She was screaming and yelling "No not the box, I won't go in the box, you can't make me!" Arms and legs flailing everywhere, it was like a two year old tantrum
Kimber: Oh my gosh that's awful!
Tori: Yeah Mom cried too. She felt just awful about putting her in that box! I mean she kew what Tangy's been through and it just broke her heart to make her get all tapped up and shipped off.
Cayenne: Yup! there wasn't a dry eye in the house!
Trixie: Where are the guys anyways? Shouldn't they be here by now?

Pepper still talking on the phone: Get out of here! Your kidding! No way! Oh my gosh!
Cayenne: You guys think she'll be ok with this? I mean what we're gonna do?
tori: Totally! I mean this room is so Blaaaahhhh! Totally not Tangy at all!
Kimber: Hey I think I hear the guys!
Mumbeling and boysterous behavior coming from the hall

Our Rowdy boys burst on to the scene!
Coby: Ladies, Ladies! Your Men have arrived!
Tori, Trixie, Kimber and Cayenne in unison: Oh Brother.
Marcus: Hey Babe!
Cayenne: Hey! Bout time you guys got here! We have a ton of work to do.
Tori: Yeah it's gonna be totally cool! Like an episode of that show trading spaces.
Kimber: Isn't that the one were two friends trade houses?
Trixie: Yeah!
Kimber: Well then isn't this gonna be more like while you were out?
Tori: Which one's that?
Cayenne: That's the one were the redo the house while the people are away.
Trixie: I thought that was Monster House?
Cayenne: No that's the one where.....

Marcus: People, People, PEOPLE!!! I think we're getting way off base here.
Coby: Yeah the point is we wanna do something really nice for Tangy!
Rio: Absolutly! We want to make her feel more at home.
Cayenne: That's right and for starters we need to do something about this room!
Tori: AMEN! This decor is so totally NOT Tangy!
Trixie: I couldn't agree more!I mean who has pink and blue furnature anyways?
Rio, Marcus and Coby together: BARBIE!!!!
Girls: EEEEEEEwwwwwwwwwwwwww!

Marcus: OK everyone, we have tons to do! And the first step is to get this stuff out of here! So everyone pick up something and lets get busy!

Marcus: Come on Cayenne! Lift with your knees!
Cayenne: Ya know I may be a girl but I'm no Barbie!
Pepper still talking on the phone: Oh way! that is sooo rad! No way! Are you serious!

Kimber: Hey Thanks Coby! Be carefull backing up!
Coby: No problem cutie.
Kimber: Hey better not let Rio hear you talking like that.
Coby: It's all good baby! It's all good.
Pepper continuing the never ending conversation on the phone: Your kidding! On the first date! Oh my gosh! Oh My gosh!
Kimber: Does anyone know who she is actually talking to on that phone?

Marcus: Ok ladies, be careful. the bed is heavey! Lift on three.
Kimber: Oh my Gosh! Look at all the junk under Tangy's bed! Aaahhhaaa haaa haaa haa!
Cayenne: Hey That's my tennis racket!
Tori: And that's my shoe! I've been looking for that for months!
Marcus: And I thought I was a slob! ha ha ha ha
Pepper: No Way! No Way! No Way! Get out of here! Get out of here! No way!
Kimber: Seriously, who is she talking to?

Trixie: Hey Pepper! You think you could put that phone down long anough to help?
Pepper to person on phone: Hang on just a minute!
To Trixie: What do you mean? I"m carrying this chair out!
Cayenne: Way to pitch in there!
Marcus: No kidding, wouldn't want you to strain yourself!
Pepper to person on phone: Go ahead what were you saying? No way!

Tori: Wow it looks totally different in here!
Cayenne: No kidding!Weird huh?
Marcus: Ok Guys we have a lot of work to do so the guys and I thought it would be a good idea to higher a designer. She is a total expert, I've been told she even helped the Generation girls desing their houses!
Tori: Cool, when will she be here?
Coby: I think I here her now.

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