Enters Laurie the desinger
Laurie: Oh Daaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhlings! Mwwwa, mwwwa smoochy woochy's!
Oh I love it! It's so bold, so daring.... Will change it all!
Kimber: Oh my gosh!
Pepper still on the phone: mmmm hmmmm, mmmmm hmmmm. Yeah.
Cayenne: ooooooooookkkkkkkkkkk.
Laurie: I see color in this room! We're gonna see some big changes. How do you all feel about chints?
Trixie: well I....
Laurie: Fabulous!!! Now lets get down to business. You all look like your in need of some serious make overs. I would almost say you are in as bad of a shape as this pathetic little room.Even you boys could use some work. But for now you men need to go meet the carpenters and begin working on the furniture.

Laurie: Now to begin with we're gonna take down the ceiling fan.
Trixie: Are you sure? I mean this is oklahoma and it gets really hot in the summer here.
Cayenne: Yeah she may not like that.
Tori: I agree why don't we concentrate more on the furniture.
Laurie: Ladies, Ladies, Ladies! this is what I do! I get paid the big bucks to desing rooms and houses for people. Trrrrrrruuuuuuuuusssssssssttttttttt me!
girls all together: Well ok.

Laurie: Ok lets get down to bussiness. What's your name darling?
Kimber: Ummmm Kimber.
Laurie: Ok Kimber, You are very lovely dear but your hair really needs a new style and you should consicer a re paint. And Honestly if I was you I would get rid of that old beat up body and trade it in for a poser body.
Tori: Oh think of the surfing you could do then Kimber!
Kimber: Ummmm the repaint and face are ok, but I'm not so sure about the body.

Laurie: Yes, and what's your name sweet heart?
Tori: I'm Tori daughter of moon and sky.
Laurie: Rrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhttttttttttt. Ok the hair is ok but again that repaint is so 90's I mean what are we going for here?
Tori: Ummmm, I I I I, I don't know, I"m comfortable is all.
Laurie: Yes dear, and don't you look like it.
Trixie: Oh Snap girl! She cold busted you!

Laurie: Yes, well that brings me to you darling. I mean really did Austin powers have a garage sale?
Trixie: Whaaaa.... I.....well....
Laurie: Exactly darling. You need to spice it up. Bring out your modern woman. Don'g be affraid to embrace the NOW!
Trixie: The NOW??????

Laurie: And that brings me to this. Were do I even begin??? Who is this anyways?
Cayenne: Oh that's Pepper. Good luck getting her off the phone.
Laurie: Well her body is ok but those clothes are all wrong for her.What is she LL cool barbie? And That hair. It's deffinatley getting cut.
Pepper drops her phone: Ummmmm time out time out!!! There's no way your cutting my hair!
Laurie: Trust me Darling. It's what I do!

Laurie: Ok ladies Let get started on some painting! And Daaaaaahhhhhhlllllllinnnnnnnnnggggggggggssssssssss, Trrrrrruuuuuuussssssstttttttt meeeeeeee!

Toby: So I guess we should start working on the furniture.
Marcus: Yeah I guess so.
Ping and Andy enter
Ping: Hello, we're the carpenters you hired to help you with the furniture for Tangy's new room. We've got a lot to do so we should get started.

Rio: You guys do realize what has happened here don't you?
Coby and Marcus: No what?
Rio: The girls are going to the salon and getting new hair do's and clothes while we slave away over all this wood.
Join us next time for more exciting Tangy Adventures

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