Finally after the long wait the guys finally arrive at their perminant camp sight and begin to settle in.
Coby: Hey Guys! I think I see it from here! We're almost there!

Ben: Hay scoot over. I want to see. Wow, What a view! It's nice out here. Everything is so lush and green!
Coby: Smell that fresh air! Nature at her finest!

Marcus: I think we're here guys!
Everyone: Woo hoo! Hurray! Yeah!
Jamal: I call dibs on first Tent!!!!
Dixon: Oh I can hardly wait!
Ping: Ummm did anyone else notice that one of the tents is pink?
Clone man: This is nice. So quite and peacful.
Shaggy: Yeah and no reporters or swarms of fans. It's perfect!

Marcus: Ok lets get unloaded and set up. We have lots to do so everyone chip in!
Andy: This looks like a grate camp sight!
Rio: Dude I can hardly wait to sleep under all those stars.

Shaggy: I think I have most of the food set out. Man does this stuff look good!
Clone Man: Yeah that does look good! I didn't know you were such a gourmat!
Shaggy: Oh yeah! Food is my favorite hobby man!
Thor (inhales deeply): It's so peacful here. I can just feel the stress seeping away.
Coby: Hey Jamal, There's room in my tent. Want to share!
Jamal: Absolutely!
Rio: Dude This is like the most comfortable chair in the world!
Ben: You like it?
Rio: Dude yeah! I should start selling these at my boogie board shop! So relaxing.
