When we last left Tangy and her friends, she was complaining about being punished for arguing with her sister, lets see were we are today!
Kimber and Rio enter holding hands
Kimber: We just wanted to say Aloha before you leave.
Rio: For sure! Hope you have an awesome time!
Tangy: Thanks guys!
Kimber: Make sure and take plenty of sun screen!
Rio: Way! And catch plenty of rays and waves!

Tangy: Ummmm Thanks Rio, but I don't think there are gonna be any real big waves in the pool.
Rio: Bummer dude!
Kimber: Well gotta go! I hear there is a killer party at the beach and I wanna practice some moves before I fill up on Crabs and cola!
Rio: See why I love her so much!
Tangy: Later guys.
Kimber and Rio: Later!

Trixie enters
Trixie: Hey, guess I should head home too. I was just helping your mom with the dishes.
Tangy: Your too sweet Trix!
Trixie: Yeah well. Take care at camp..Don't wander off in the woods and try not to swim to much! It's murder on your color and I don't wanna spend the last weekend before school starts trying to re condition all your hair.
Tangy: OK! I'll be good! ha ha ha!
Trixie: Gonna miss you!
Tangy: gonna miss you too!
Big HUG!!!!

Tori enters
Tori: Knock knock! Can I come in.
Tangy: Course!
Tori: I probably wont be here tomorrow when you leave so I wanted to say by now. I read your cards again and threw the stones and all sings point to an AWESOME summer. Well there was something about some bug bites but nothing serious!
Tangy: Good I'm glad! I'm not worried about a few bugs! I'm wielding a size 10 claud hopper here. I dear a spider to come in my tent! ha ha ha ha!
Tori: Well remember to do your breathing exercises.
Tangy: I will.
Tori: And don't forget your stretching and yoga. Especially before sports or swimming.
Tangy: I got it.
Tori: Well I guess that's it. Hey you know this is the first time we have been apart since "The BOXX".
Tangy: Yeah I know. Kind of wierd isn't it.
Tori: Yeah. A little scary too!
Tangy: Yeah! But everything will be fine. Mom will take good care of you and Wizzy will take good care of me. If I don't drive her crazy first. ha ha ha.
Tori: Well ok! Take care of you!
Tangy: Take care of you!
Big Hugggg!

Coby passes Tori on the way out!
Coby: Hey Hot stuff!
Tangy: Hey Coby!
Coby: You about ready for a wild summer at camp!
Tangy: Just about. What about you? Got any plans?
Coby: Oh you know, the usual. Catch some rays with Rio, play a little b-ball. Oh and there's been some talk about a Hiz Camp so that might be fun.
Course I don't know who I'm gonna put my arm around at the movies, or watch fire works with.
Tangy: Oh you flirt. I'm sure one of your girls will be available.
Coby: Yeah, maybe, but not my best girl. Wink!
Tangy: Oh shut up and give me a kiss and go home! I swear you guys would think I'm dying!
Coby: OK cutey I'm going. But you behave. And don't do anything I wouldn't do.
Big hug and a little kiss too.

Coby struts down the hall and stops to mess up Cayennes hair on the way by
Cayenne enters the room scowling as Coby's whistling fades down the hall.
Cayenne mumbling to herself: Creep! Honestly it took me an hour to get my hair just right and mister macho comes along and mussess it up.
Cayenne: Hey sis Can I come in?
Tangy frowning slightly: I don't know. You gonna call me names and tattle on me?
Cayenne: No! No, I was gonna appoligize.
Tangy: Ok then.
Cayenne:I'm sorry I told on you.
Tangy: Well then maybe I'm sorry too.

Cayenne: I thought you might like to borrow some of my shorts since mom wont let you take those other outfits.
Tangy: Wow Thanks! That's really decent of you!
Cayenne: I expect them back at the end of camp. And there better not be any holes in them eithe!
Tangy: Ok I got it. Thanks sis!

Tangy: Now I gotta fit all this stuff in my suit case.
Cayenne: Don't forget this.
Tangy: What are you kidding. Mom said no!
Cayeene. Don't worry I wont tell if you don't!

Tangy: Wow! That is soooo cool of you Cayenne!
Cayenne: yeah well. I figure I owe ya one.
Tangy: Hey yer not half bad all the time!
Cayeene: Gee now there's a complament to put on my tomb stone "here lies Cayenne, she wasnt half bad!"
Tangy: Ok smarty pants, you know what I mean.
I mean your not a total brat!
Cayenne: Yeah I know.

Tangy: You'll take care of Cinnamon for me while i'm gone, right.
Cayenne: Course.
Tangy: You have to brush her once a week and she'll probley want to sleep with you.
Cayenne: That's ok. Pudge doesn't take up much room.
Tangy: And if she gets lonely for me give her my old bath robe to sleep with.
Cayenne: Got it.
Tangy: And Cayenne...
Cayenne: Yes Tangy?
Cayenne: Don't mention it.

Tangy: Take care Brat!
Cayenne: You to Punk!
Big hugggg!!!

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