Cayenne: Hi guys!
Marcus: Oh now hold on! This is too much! First Dinosaurs and now girls! You guys know the rules. This is hiz camp, no girls allowed!
Tori: Well Hi to you to Marcus. Geesh! Ya know we came all the way out here for a reason.
Cayenne: Dinosaurs? You guys saw Dinosaurs?
Marcus: Yeah, but that's no important right now. You ladies need to leave.
Cayenne: Yeah I know but we had some mail for you guys and one of them is marked urgent!
Marcus: Oh really? Who's it for? Is everyone ok?
Clone man: It's not for me is it? I hope Clonice and Molly are ok.
Cayenne: Actually the urgent letter is for Shaggy!

Shaggy: For me?
Tori: Yeah it's from Darra so we thought it was probably important.
Cayenne: I hope everything is alright.
Shaggy: Yeah me too. I hope nothing is wrong with the animals. Who's the other letter for?
Tor: Oh it's for Ben.

Ben: Oh wow, for me? Thank you ladies.
Tori: Oh your very welcome!
Cayenne: Well Tori we should go and let the men get back to doing guy things.
Tori: if you guys need to get a hold of us in case of an emergency just call.
In unison: Bye!!

Clone man: Shaggy, is everything ok? You look a little pale. what does the letter say?
Shaggy: Ummm it says "Dear Shaggy, hope you are having a good time in Oklahoma at Hiz camp. We sure do miss you here. The animals are all doing fine and so am I. Now I don't want to alarm you but I decided to sell the house and the car. But don't worry I bought a Van instead! Oh and guess what else? You'r gonna be a daddy! That's right, I'm expecting a little angle of our own. Now I don't want you to worry about me, I'm fine and have lots of friends here to take care of me. So have a good time at camp and I will see you in a few weeks. Much love Darra!
Clone man: Congratulations man! That is AWESOME!!

Clone Man: Wow he passed out cold!
Marcus:Do you blame him? That's a lot to handle.
Clone Man: True but the baby is good news for sure. Lets try and wake him up.
Marcus: Shaggy! Shaggy! Can you hear me? Wake up!
Clone Man: Come on Shaggy! Deep breaths, you'll be ok.

Clone man: There you go. Sit up nice and slow.
Marcus: You'll be ok.
Shaggy: Oh man, what happened?
Marcus: You passed out dude.
Shaggy: Really? wow it's all kind of fuzzy. I remember getting a letter from Darra.
clone man: yeah and do you remember what that letter said?
Shaggy: Not exactly. It's kindda fuzzy.
Marcus: She's having a baby! Dude, you're gonna be a dad!
Shaggy: Zoinks!

Clone Man: Well I think that went well don't you?
marcus: No kidding. Lets wake him up again. I can't believe he passed out twice. Ha ha ha!
Clone Man: Yeah but this time lets give him a minute or two before we tell him again.

Jamal: Hey Ben, what does lilly have to say?
Ben: Oh you know the usual, she misses me, she askes how you are and wanted to make sure you had plenty of reading material to keep you busy.
Jamal. that's nice of her. But I don't think with all the excitment around here that I'll have time to read. What else does she say?
Ben: Oh man Javier wrecked his low rider.
Jamal: No way the tricked out one? Oh that's to bad.
Ben: Yeah but they are already working on repairing it. Besides that it's just mushy stuff. Man I sure do miss that girl. Look she sent a photo. (big sigh) isn't she beautiful.
Jamal: mmmmmmm.... smells like perfume too. that was a nice letter. maybe some day I'll find a nice girl to send me love letters. Ya think?
Ben: you'll know it when you lay eyes on her. That's how it was for me and Lil.
You can read lilly's letter to Ben here and see the photo too!
