When Tragady strikes one of the arriving campers let's see how the men react!
Loud and boystarus cheering!
Marcus: Oh man did you see that Touch down!!
Thor: That was Awesome!
Coby: They have the best quarter back in the league!
Ping: Yeah and their tight end is great too.
Shaggy:I like the mascot.

Trixie: Hey Guys!!!!!
Coby: Man leave it to a woman to interupt in the middle of the instant replay!
Ping: Chill out Coby. What's upTrixie?
Shaggy: Yeah you sound upset. Is everything ok?
Coby: Yeah tell us what's so important it couldn't wait?

Trixie: Well I just walked passed Tangy's moms room and I noticed there were a couple of boxes on the bed, so I went in. And sure anough they were campers arriving. Thing is one of the poor guys is screaming his head off! Sounds like he's being attacked by a bear! He just keeps yellin "Hello is anyone there? Help me Help me." Maybe he's closterphobic or somethin. Anyways you guys should come and help the poor guy.

As the guys approach they hear muffled screams for help.
Thor: Man your friend wasn't kidding.
Marcus:: man he is freaking out!
Ping: Maybe we should get him out!
Dixon: Help! Help! Get me outta here!!!

Dixon: Oh Thank goodness! I've been yelling for hours. Can someone please get this thing off me! It weighs a ton!
Shaggy: Oh My Gosh! Are you ok Man?
Dixon: yeah but I was begining to wonder if anyone was gonna find me.
Andy: Here let us help you out buddy.

Shaggy: Like there ya go man.
Dixon: Oh Thanks guys. That's so much better I can breath now.
Shaggy: Man and I though I was hungrey.
Dixon: Actually I brought it for our grilling class!
Marcus: Yummy!
Dixon: By the way I'm Dixon. Great to be here. Wasn't sure I was gonna make it. Hey who are the other guys I was talking to earlier?
Rio: Other guys? What other guys?
Dixon: I thinkone of them said his name was Jamal?
Marcus: Jamal???????????

Ben and Jamal: Hey we're in here! We're ok though.
Thor:Man it's been an exciting day.
coby: I'll say. Let's get these guys out so we can go back to watching the game.
Shaggy: Yeah the pizza's Scooby and I ordered should be here soon. Mmmmmmmmmm Anchovies and chocolate sauce with pineapple and goat cheese!
Rio: uggggg. I think I'll have a sandwich. thanks though.
Ben and Jamal: Hey don't forget about us!

Ben: Hey Look Jamal! We're here!
Jamal: hey guys! We're Ben and Jamal.
guys in unison: HI Guys! Great to have ya!

Well Here's the whole gang so far! Everyone smile and say Barbeque sauce!
