Tori: Umm gee Tangy you sure have a lot of stuff there. Are you sure you want to take all of those clothes to camp with you?
Trixie: Yeah I mean, what do you need all those outfits for anyways? Aren't you just gonna be hikeing and cooking out and stuff?
Pepper: Seriously. Like leather pants on a hikeing trip is a good idea? Geesh.
Tangy: Well you can never be too prepared. I mean what if the girls decide to sneak out to a dance club? I don't want to be stuck in some frumpy pair of walking shorts and tank top. Gross! Besides you can never be too hot!

Tori laughing: You cant even get the lid shut on your suit case and you don't have half this junk packed. ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Tangy: Oh shut up and help me sit on the lid!

A soft knock on the door and Cayenne enters.
Cayenne: Hi guys! What's up?
Tangy: Oh Geesh! That's all I need right now is her bothering me!
Cayenne: I heard that! Hey what is that your packing?
Tangy: Duh! It's my pink prada leather pants and matching top.
Cayenne: Mom said you can't take leather to camp. She says it's not practical and way to hot! So there dweeb!

Tangy: Chaaa! If I can't take any leather or Velvet what am I suppose to wear? I mean half of my wardrobe is leather!
Cayenne: I don't know but your not taking that!

Tangy: Cayenne! Let go of my outfit! Your gonna ruin it!
Cayenne: Mom said no leather!
Tangy: Let go you Brat! MOM!!!!!!
Cayenne: Shut up!

Tangy: Gosh Cayenne! You are such a babby! That's why you don't get to go to camp wizzy! You just need to grow up!
Cayenne: I'm telling mom!
faint sobbing as she runs out of the room and down the hall.

Pepper: Geesh Tangy! Don't you think you were a little rough on her?
Tori: yeah she is just a kid.
Trixie: I'm staying outta this one.
Tangy: Oh she's just mad cause she doesn't get to go to camp wizzy this year!
All I've heard for weeks is. Camp wizzy this and Spike that! And "when I'm old anough" and bla bla bla!
Tori: Ya know she just acts that way cause she wants to be like you.
Pepper: She's right Tang.
Tangy feeling a bit guilty now: Ya think so guys? Geee Maybe I was to hard on her.

Pepper: Hey don't worry guys. I'll go talk to her and make sure she's ok and not pooring bleach in the washing machine with your new swim suit!

Trixie: Yeah, I better go to. I have a client at 3 for a weave! Catch ya later chickies!
Tangy and tori in unason: Bye Trix!

Tori: I'm gonna gp meditate on this and make sure everything is ok. Besides the negative energy in here right now is stifeling!

Tangy talking to pudge and cinnamon:
I don't get it guys. The two of you are as different as me and Cayenne and you guys always get along!
I mean cinamonn is beautiful, sleek and tall and Pudge....Well your name says it all, and you kind of smell funny too.
Ohhhh (sigh) what am I gonna do guys? What am I gonna do?

Stay tuned tomorrow to find out what will happen. Will mom ground Tangy? Will Cayenne destroy Tangys new swim suit? Will Pepper ever get off that cell phone? What will Tori discover from her tarott cards? Will Pudge and Cinamonn find true love?Find out in the next excitting episode of Tangy adventures!

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